Sunday, 18 January 2015



Did You Know That Tourism Can be Extinct if Current Generations Do Not Conserve and manage it sustainably?

Eco-tourism has become a significant part of the Tourism industry globally. Increasingly, tourists are seeking out opportunities to experience undisturbed natural areas where they can observe and enjoy unusual scenery, unique plants and animals, and cultural and historical features.Recognizing the natural, economic, and governance dimensions of natural environments is therefore critical to developing appropriate and sustainable eco-tourism projects.

At community level, Eco-tourism can be an important part of sustainable development of many communities, provided that the local people are actively engaged and ensuring that economic benefits are equally shared and viewed as a diversification of the local economy.
The business volume of tourism today is estimated to equal or even surpass that of oil exports, food products or automobiles, offering millions of direct entry points into the workforce, particularly for the youth and women and a diversity of investment opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Given the swift growth in nature and adventure travel within the global tourism industry, it is logical to suppose that tourism growth in high biodiversity areas is linked to the somehow attractive natural environment and scenery.

It is equally important to suppose that the relation of biodiversity to tourism can be an opportunity based on tourism's potential for contribution to biodiversity conservation, because biodiversity is a critical component of the natural environment that tourists enjoy.

Embracing the principles of sustainable tourism as defined by UNWTO as  "a tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and the host communities" will be key to a sustainable intervention and strategies.

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